Monday 19 November 2018


Ayurveda has been so keen in describing the measures one has to follow to protect the health and prevent from the disease. Ayurveda scholars understood the concept of prevention since its origin. The classical texts describes the daily routine, seasonal routine, foods, property of food , the ethical and moral codes to be followed by a person for positive health.


Abhyanga is one of the most popular term and process in Ayurveda. It is nothing but application of oil on body. Though it refers to the literal meaning, if we look in detail, the concept is a broader one. Abhyanga is the regular oil application externally to be practised daily for different benefits. The same has also been used as a therapeutic process for healing purpose.

We can use any oil for Abhyanga when used for daily use. Any oil means that any oil that suits the basic body constitution, the season, the age. Of course, I admit the specificity. What I meant is it need not to be a medicated oil. You can even use plane coconut oil, mustard oil, gingelly oil. etc.

When used as a therapeutic process, specific medicated oils can only be used according to the condition.

Abhyanga is really effective in reducing the ageing of skin, good for eyes and helps for sound sleep

Thursday 8 November 2018


Diseases affecting the spine has become very common. The primary causes are the injuries, degeneration and other systemic illnesses affecting the spine. The commonest ones are lumbar and cervical spondylosis, Spondylo listhesis, and Intervertebral disc prolapse. 

Ayurveda treatments have been found very effective in the management of these three.  

Spine care treatments for Ayurveda

As commonly believe, Ayurveda is not just applying oil externally and giving massages on the affected area. It is more than that. Spine care treatments in Ayurveda are truly scientific and is different from person to person. It includes external therapies, internal medicines, external local applications, bandages and exercises.

Some of the treatments used in the spine care are Lepana, Dharas, Swedanas using Choorna Pinda (Herbal Powders made into a bundle), Kati vasthi, Mathra vasthi, and Yoga vasthi. These treatments are done with proper precautions and under the observation of a qualified physician.

Monday 5 November 2018


Ayurveda is the science of life. It addresses the life of humans in connection with nature. According to Ayurveda the human life is not something different from the nature's tune.

Ayurveda Cares....

Ayurveda explains the life style measures to stay healthy. This includes 1. Daily regime, 2. Seasonal regime, 3. Moral and ethical code, 4. Food habits and 5. Property of food items . No other science in the universe has such a concept of complete care. These measures, if followed properly are very much effective in preventing the acute, seasonal and even life style diseases.

Ayurveda Cures....

A number of diseases, its causative factors, pathology, signs/symptoms, prognosis and treatment are well narrated in Ayurveda. These have been divided into 08 specialities. They are 1. General Medicine, 2. Paediatrics, 3. Psychiatry, 4. ENT, 5. Surgery, 6. Toxicology, 7. Geriatric Care, 8. Aphrodisiac.

Ayurveda Panchakarma Therapy is a unique treatment procedure that is used in both for care and cure. Let us promote this healing touch of Ayurveda for Care and Cure

Saturday 3 November 2018


Osteo Arthritis?? Ayurveda is the Answer..

Arthritis is a common term. It is nothing but a painful/ inflammed joint. The joint will be having pain, swelling, temperature and redness ( all or some of these). There will be limited mobility due to this inflammation. There are different factors that causes arthritis. It can be degenerative, auto immune, infectious or traumatic. The most common arthritis found in elderly is the degenerative type and is known as Osteo Arhritis.

Degenerative arthritis or Osteo Arthritis can affect any joint in the body. Degeneration is a process that starts from birth itself. As the repair and growth is much more in the younger age, the degeneration is not that visible. But as age progresses, these changes become more visible and dominant leading to joint degeneration. 

The commonest joints affected by Osteo Arthritis are Knee, Hip, and Spine. The reason is these are the main weight bearing joints.

Ayurveda & Panchakrma for Osteo Arthritis

Ayurveda has a very effective management for the degenerative joint disorders. The treatment has two phases. First phase is the therapy phase, where the patient is subjected to different external therapies and internal medicines. This is a step by step process and is carried out using the Panchakarma treatment protocol. The average duration for this first phase is 03- 04 weeks and is variable from person to person. This is carried out under the supervision of a qualified doctor.

The second phase is the follow up phase. There will be internal medicines and external aplcations, which can be done at home. This average duration varies from 03- 06 months and even more in chronic conditions.

It is recommended to undergo this therapies annually for better prognosis. As we know, the condition can't be completely reversed by these treatment and medicine. But we can arrest or slow down the rate of degeneration. And the ill effects or long term complications of these treatments are minimum.

So, Osteo Arthritis?? Ayurveda is the Answer..

Friday 2 November 2018


The Ray Of Hope

Obesity or overweight is a global health issue and is one of the most common life style disease. The cause of the overweight is multiple. It varies from over eating and  lack of exercise to certain diseases. Whatever be the cause, the person having obesity suffers from many physical as well as emotional issues. And it is very clear that there is a functional error happening in the fat metabolism that leads to over accumulation of fat. And this overweight will lead to many ill health conditions. 

There are so many ways to control/ manage obesity. Of course, the primary measure is to control food or modify the existing diet pattern. The more energy giving foods should be avoided. The less input you give, the more stored energy will be utilized.

In conditions where the hormonal or any systemic diseases are the basic cause, we need to diagnose and manage the underlying pathology so that the overweight is early managed to avoid future complications.

But in certain people, nothing seems to work. Even having the modified diet with low caloric value and regular exercise the body weight remain unchanged or even keep going high!. In such individuals, we need to provide medical assistance to overcome the issue. Ayurveda has a very effective and natural way of reducing the body weight. It is not  a kind of approach that the person is kept on fasting for weeks. As we have mentioned earlier, the basic thing happening in the body is the metabolic error. Ayurveda addresses the root cause and focus on the correction of this metabolic error. 

Ayurvedic Treatment and Medicines for weight loss creates  a favorable environment in the body that promotes sustainable weight loss and proper fat metabolism. Unlike other weight loss measures, this is safe and more effective. And the results are long lasting too. Read

Thursday 1 November 2018


Let's Detox to Stay Healthy..

Detoxification is nothing but removing toxins accumulated and cleansing the affected part. This is a general terminology that we can relate with anything around us. Wherever toxins are accumulated, this leads to an unfavourable environment to survive. 

Consider the natural environment around us. The earth, water and air, when gets toxified, makes the survival difficult. What will happen if we continue to interact with such a toxified, polluted system continuously? This interaction can be in the form of food we take, the air we breath in, the water we drink, the bad habits we develop (smoking/ drinking alcohol, drug abuse), the situation we expose to, the people we meet and interact, the job we do, the society we live, the stress we feel and so many such things. That is, even without being able to identify, our physical and emotional level of toxification is happening gradually, 

What are the ill effect of this toxins in us? 

There can be two impact. One is the immediate effect and the other one is the long lasting effects

1. Immediate effect: Due to the accumulation of the toxins and the changes happening in the body immune system and functional equilibrium, we develop some acute illnesses including gastric disorders, respiratory diseases, infections, pains which lasts for some days to couple of weeks. There may be repeated onsets too. The immediate effect is usually caused by the low level of toxin accumulation.

2. Long lasting effect: The continuous exposure to toxins will make some serious changes in the body. In the long run, the quantity of toxins accumulated in the body will be more and the natural elimination process will not be able to remove all these impurities and metabolic wastes from the body. This leads to accumulation of theses toxins more deep into the organs and tissues. This will hinder the normal metabolic activities creating a functional imbalance. This functional imbalance will start to manifest as small symptoms in the body including loss of appetite, hyper acidity digestive problems, overweight/ weight loss, lethargy, dyspnoea on exertion, joint pain, loss of sleep, irregular menstrual cycles, irritability, hormonal imbalances. Gradually this leads to developing Life Style Diseases.

What is the solution?

It is clear that the accumulation of toxins by different means lead to the functional imbalance in the body and will end up with some kind of health issues. Naturally the elimination of the accumulated toxins and prevention of further accumulation of toxins will help to regain the health and stay healthy.

How it is possible?

Eliminating the toxins is a natural cleansing process carried out by our body. The natural excretion methods (urine, stool & sweat) will help in this cleansing process. Sometimes this system may fail to function as required. Then we need to provide therapeutic assistance to carry out the effective detox.

Ayurveda for Detox 

Ayurveda is the only system of medicine that has a unique method of detoxifying the body system. This is a therapeutically assisted body purification method carried out through the natural body orifices. This is a five fold cleansing process. The therapeutic methods are designed in such a way that all the body systems and their functional imbalances must be corrected. And these Five Fold Detoxification methods are known as Panchakarma.

Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, Nirooha & Anuvasana form the five components of Panchakarma.

How to Practice Detox?

The therapeutic detoxification is something to be carried out regularly. The average duration required for a complete detox varies from 03-04 weeks depending upon the person. It is recommended to carry out this annually once. And the process is carried out under the strict observation of a qualified Ayurveda Physician in a reputed Ayurveda Centre. Strict dietary and activity regime should be followed during this therapy and for equal number of days after the Panchakarma. 

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