Friday 22 January 2016



PSORIASIS is a disorder affecting skin with severe itching and scaling. It is believed to be caused by auto immunity - condition when our immune cells mistake healthy cells and attack – leading to excessive production and accumulation of skin.

Psoriasis mostly affects people with high level of stress, heavy smokers and alcoholics and some times as an after effect of certain chemical drugs like LITHIUM which is used for mental disorders and BETA BLOCKERS a very common drug for hypertension. Rarely it appears in families or genetically transferred. Psoriasis is a non contagious disorder but the social impact it creates on the affected is very much traumatic.

Normally psoriasis starts as a small pustule either single or in groups affecting any part of body, then slowly spreads to wider areas and develops into a itchy and scaly patch with redness. Very common sites affected are Scalp, Joints, Trunk, Upper and Lower limbs. Sometimes only a part may be affected, mostly it appears all over the body.

Common Types of Psoriasis:

     PSORIASIS chaithanya ayurveda retreat
  1. Plaque Psoriasis – very common with redness, scales, inflammation and itching and appears as big patches
  2. Inverse Psoriasis - appears as smooth inflamed patches of skin. It occurs in skin folds, particularly around the genitals (between the thigh and groin) and armpits.
  3. Guttate Psoriasis  - is characterized by numerous small round spots appear over large areas of the body, such as the trunk, limbs, and scalp
  4. Pustular Psoriasis - appears as raised bumps that are filled with non-infectious pus (pustules). The skin under and surrounding the pustules will be red and tender and appears commonly in the hands and feet.
  5. Psoriatic Arthritis - affecting joints producing pain and inflammation and ultimately degeneration. Mostly occurs as a complication of Psoriasis

For the purpose clinical assessment Psoriasis is graded by evaluating the depth and volume of skin thickness, redness, scaling, area of involvement and parts of body affected. In the conventional modern treatment psoriasis is managed by external steroid applications and immunosuppressant’s like METHOTREXATES and believed to be incurable.

 PSORIASIS chaithanya ayurveda retreat

AYURVEDA, the age old herbal medical system explains some very effective medicines and treatments in its scriptures. Almost 70% of all above mentioned Psoriasis can be cured effectively by using these medications. Some of the herbs are;

Manjishta - a rhizome equivalent to turmeric made into decoction form works a potent blood purifier and immune system corrective.

Aragwada - a tree bark coming under Acasia family is very good for allergic itching and inflammation

Kaisora Guggulu Taba herbal compound used very effectively psoriasis and chronic eczema

Wrightia Tinctora - a rare tree seen only in hilly areas of South India – the leaves of this tree is prepared with coconut oil and applied on the body can clear off scales and scars.

Ayurveda suggests Panchakarma – the ultimate Detox and Rejuvenation treatment and special techniques namely Takradhara (special head treatment with herbal decoction) on periodic basis for complete eradication of Psoriasis.


Sunday 10 January 2016

Ayurvedic Remedies for Arthritis

Ayurvedic Remedies for Arthritis

Arthritis is a common word denoting a wide range of diseases affecting joints resulting in pain and inflammation. Every joint is covered by a synovial membrane and bones are separated by a soft cartilage which works as cushion for joint movement. Any prolonged inflammation can lead to degeneration of joint cartilage and later on to deformity of the joint.

Some common types of arthritis:
  1. Rheumatoid Arthritis – affects multiple joints especially smaller joints of hands and feet. Pain and inflammation increases in periodic time intervals. Affects mostly females and causes are believed to be impaired immune system and hormonal imbalance.
  2. Gouty Arthritis – sudden onset of pain in the midnight typically with an inflamed big toe lasting weeks. Gout is developed due to impairment of uric acid metabolism. A blood test will show elevated uric acid.
  3. Osteo Arthritis - wear and tear of joints due to over exertion on a particular joint due improper posture, overweight etc. Normally affects single joint (e.g. Knee joint) or adjacent joints (e.g. Cervical  and Lumbar vertebrae
  4. Ankylosing Spondylosis – otherwise known as bamboo spine where the joints of vertebrae fuse together and the spine becomes stiff. Reason believed to be impairment of immunity
The conventional treatment in modern science is mostly symptomatic and do not reach the root of problem. Most of above problems are treated with steroids, anti inflammatory and analgesic drugs. Latest trend is use of immunosuppressants like trexates. While administering these drugs it is mandatory to undergo periodical blood tests to monitor the effect of these drugs on vital organs like kidney and liver.

AYURVEDA – is the age old herbal medical practice originated from India and is conquering the western mind like YOGA did in the previous decade. Ayurveda explains many effective and safe herbs for treating various kinds of Arthritis. Some of them are;

  1. Guggulu – derived from the gum of a medicinal tree, which has wonderful anti inflammatory, analgesic and fat reducing effects.
  2. Rasna – a Vanda group of herb common in India is very effective in repairing and regenerating the cartilage tissue.
  3. Satavari – Asparagus roots are used to correct impaired immune system

Other than many more oral medications as mentioned, Ayurveda also prescribes PANCHKARMA for chronic joint problems. Panchakarma is a series of different massage techniques by using various herbs and medicated oils along with periodic detoxing of system by laxatives and colonic cleansing. Panchakarma is believed to be the ultimate Detox and rejuvenation treatment for curing many chronic disorders. By periodic courses of Ayurvedic treatment, immune system can be repaired and rejuvenated and body becomes strong enough to fight joint diseases.

 Gouty Arthritis: Chaithanya Ayurveda Retreat  Gouty Arthritis: Chaithanya Ayurveda Retreat